Tuesday, March 29, 2005

My Dog Pluto ... Is Dying!

Pluto is my very dear buddy. Since I picked her up from the shopping mall pet shop 4 months ago, it has become very much a part of my life.

Pluto is always there for me.
When I am leaving for work, she is always there to send me off.
When I am back from work, she is always there waiting to jump at me.
When I am watching TV, she will climb on my lap or just lie on my stomach.
When I am taking a shower, she will scratch my door because she wanna come in, and I let her in.

When I am reading, she will just sleep quietly at my leg.
When I am talking on the phone, she will just lean her head against the side of my legs.
When I am eating, she will also be eating at her own doggie bowl. She eats whatever shit I eat. And both of us eat a lot. Too much at that. LOL.

Yep. Suredo. Pluto is a nice dog. Pluto is a nice pal.
But Pluto has a problem. She has a weak heart. Yep, sadly, despite being a dog with such a big heart full of love, Pluto has a weak heart. Many a time I needed to resuscitate her when she encountered problem with her heart and went into cardiac situation. Many a time I just barely saved her from premature death. That's why I never throw no damn freebies or wood for her to catch. That's why I never bring her for a walk. All this might actually kill her.

But somehow, I grew tired. Pluto grew tired. We are both very tired. I have cried many times for her and somehow I knew she did the same for herself, for me. We have BOTH cried for our friendship, our love, our companionship. And especially for the cruel fate. For the cruel world we live in. I have prayed to GOD. I have prayed for my DOG. Dog? God? Dog?

And we have both fought together. But we have now decided to give up together.
Maybe it is good to let Pluto go. Death might be a good thing for her and for me. Who never dies? Just a matter of sooner or later. And maybe later is not necessarily better. And maybe sooner is good.

Ok. Pluto will have to go soon. I did not resuscitate her this morning when she had another cardiac situation. And I didn't go to work today. I told my boss a family member is dying. And he said sorry. He told me I need not come to work for the next 2 days. He sent his condolence and asked me whether I want him to collect the "pak kam" from my colleagues. I said NO. Not necessary.

Pluto is leaving pretty soon. Both of us know it. She will not last the afternoon.
I am ready. She is ready. Ready for her departure. Ready for our last hug and kiss. And ready for my last drops of tears for a dear buddy. Bye bye pluto. Bye bye buddy. I love you. RIP.


Anonymous said...

All dogs go to heaven.


Reta said...

I'm sorry to hear that =( my bf's dog had to be put down as well. that day we both cried.

under9 said...

Pluto has left us a few hours ago :( *sob*

Thank you, ah pink and cyber-red.

NSDS3HvLDjJd said...

Sorry to hear that...